Farewell to ManDido Master Drummer

I was singing Kpan Logo yesterday while preparing a meal and thinking about my friend and mentor, ManDido.  I could hear him singing the call in my mind, “Kpaaa-an Logo” and I thought about the amount of things he taught me about West African drumming and life.


On Sunday, July 26th, starting at 3pm there will be a drum circle in his honour at Spanish Banks and there, his ashes will find a resting place.  All are welcome to bring a drum and join the gathering.

May there always be a drum circle at Spanish Banks to carry on the tradition that was started by ManDido. I hear that the one he started in Montreal is still going strong, although Baba Dido has not been leading for decades. I hope that here too, his legacy will continue and Vancouver will always know the sound of the djembe, sogo and jun-jun drums that he brought to us.

Jack Velker Sunday Soul Service Memorial

I took this photo of Jack Velker at ManDido’s memorial service in January. At the time, it seemed like an unusual thing to do, but I wanted to remember all my friends that were there remembering ManDido. I didn’t have the courage to take photos of everyone, just the people I knew well. Now I am really glad I did because Jack has passed away.

I met Jack at the Sunday Soul Service at the Cottage Bistro at 4468 Main St. Sometimes they let me sit in and do my songs, and I was always happy to sit and listen to the house band. Ross Barrett, saxophonist and flute player, who was also at ManDido’s memorial, is pictured below. He was Jack’s partner in presenting the Soul Service each Sunday for the devotees of the Isis Cult. The Cult will be meeting in full force this Sunday to remember Jack (Facebook event here).

I always enjoyed going down and sitting in at the Cottage with the band, as the ranks of players swelled off the stage and on to the floor. Sometimes there were rows of people playing as Jack conducted chorus after chorus through “Little Liza Jane”.

When Jack strapped on his bandoneon, the “stomach Steinway”, as he fondly called it, Ross’s deep love for Latin music could really shine out.

The band was in fine form last Sunday and this Sunday will be a more official memorial. I don’t know if I will play, but I will be happy to listen and take photos.

International Womens Day 2009

Last year I was so excited to be going to Bellingham, USA for the Watcom County International Women’s Day Celebration.


This truly was an International Women’s Day for me!

One of the best parts was marching through the streets chanting. In Vancouver, I had always had to be setting up and getting ready for when everyone arrived, but here, I was able to march through the streets. It really gave a feeling of solidarity. Later the woman who spoke on food security made some interesting points linking the West coast of North America with Latin American issues.

Womens Day Song Information and Lyrics

This year I was busy and many changes occurred in my life, so March came in with a whisper.

I am still seeking a venue for my song performance this year.

These performances are usually last minute as most of these events are set up and managed by volunteers. I will post when I have a performance, come down and sing with me.


Women’s Day Song 2000 video
Womens Day Song Video (videopop plug-in still a work in progress –  may not work)
This is a video of a song written by Victoria Gibson in honour of International Women’s Day. Performed by Victoria and the Seaquam Secondary School Choir for the Society of Women in Science and Technology Conference in 2000 held at the school.