Live More Lightly Progress Report

It has been hard to get the time to devote to the Live More Lightly Project as I have been doing more music. I also have had to spend more time working on my contract employment as the downturn in the economy really affects the contractors first. Here are some quick notes:

Art Starts in Schools will not showcase the project this year. It is really kind of outside of their main focus. Usually artists come in and do a performance for the assembled school for an hour or so. I want to do a workshop with a smaller group of kids so it becomes more of a challenge to organize and deliver.

The Vancouver School Board does have an Artist-in-residence Program that I was a part of for two years back in the late 1990s. It is a really excellent program that supports the artist to work with the students for a series of sessions. It is a good fit with the Live More Lightly Project, but they may not have any openings in the music area for a while.

The Girl Guides and Boy Scouts of Canada
I am currently preparing promotional material to send out to the main office of these organizations. Hopefully, I will be able to do a couple of demo workshops and get some video for promotional purposes. If they are enthusiastic, I might be able to obtain some support.

I have contacted a few church groups, but as the message is not religious, they don’t seem to be too interested.

I will keep trying to reach more groups and appreciate any ideas you may have.