Live More Lightly Score

I finally have a screenshot function in Ubuntu so I can show you a draft of page one of the Live More Lightly Song score. This is a thumbnail to show the viewer and the additional pages. Eric is a very busy person, so I am glad that we are able to work through e-mail now. Progress is being made and should have this basic arrangement for voice and piano ready to send to our editor soon. The information about our editor will be posted on the “About Our Team” page soon.



I made a larger version so you can see the music. I really like Eric’s piano arrangement and I will have to work out a guitar chord accompaniment too.

Due to time constraints I may end up setting up web downloads for licensed users of the book. The idea of this book is a bit different because I am selling a license, no different than a software license, that gives the book buyer the right to print copies of the parts as they require more. Unlike most publications, the print ready parts are provided on a disk and more can be printed or photocopied if the group expands. I want the workshop organizer/ choral leader to be able to use this music with a variety of different groups, so we are providing different arrangements, the basic version is shown below.

LML voice+pno score pg 1

We are also preparing a SSA (soprano,soprano,alto) and SATB (soprano, alto, tenor, bass) with piano. I hope to have everything finished a month before I leave. I have to keep working ….

Tech Notes: The score was prepared on a Mac Powerbook G4 with Finale.

The Songbook Cover



This is my first attempt to create a cover with the photo “At Water’s Edge” by Michael Wheatley.  This photo really grabbed me as the reflections in the water look like an abstract painting. I love the colour pallet and will be working to create a design that will show the  beauty of the  natural landscape.


Tech Notes:

This cover was created using The Gimp and Scribus open source tools on the Ubuntu platform. These programs are quite different from the usual Photoshop + InDesign that I am used to, but I am working hard to get the same level of functionality.



Arrangement and Sheet Music Production

I have just met with Eric Hominick to start production work on the “Live More Lightly Songbook” and we put in a very productive session in the studio. We are working on producing sheet music for three arrangements of the song.

  1. The basic version: very accessible -contains sheet music for the melody, a simple piano accompaniment, guitar chords and the lyrics.
  2. The intermediate version: Suitable for school and community choirs, vocal groups and facilitated workshops – builds on the above by adding vocal harmony and part singing.
  3. The challenge version: For a trained choir or vocal group – includes more advanced piano accompaniment and part singing.

All the versions will be published in one book, with only the basic version printed out in full. Sample pages of the other printed arrangements will be included in the book so that choral directors can assess the suitability for their group. Parts for versions 2 + 3 will be included on CD for the group to print out.

Directions for the workshop will be included so that people can do the entire process without me. A list of environmentally friendly suggestions will be included to help people develop their personal commitment to living more lightly.


Equipment utilized: Disklavier piano => MIDI to USB by MOTU => Logic Pro Audio on G4 notebook OSX3.9

Environmentally Friendly Book Production

The “Live More Lightly Songbook”  is in the production stage now and I am researching environmentally friendly book production methods. The Association of Book Publishers of BC (ABPBC) has already done a lot of the work for me and has produced an EcoKit that you can download from here.

 EcoKit logo

They also recommend visiting Markets Initiative  to find out more about ancient forest friendly paper. I am so happy when I see industries making the move towards reducing the impact that humanity has upon the planet.


I also intend to minimize the amount of material I use by making the book as small as possible and including the rest of the content on CD. Updates, additional arrangements and other extras may be downloadable from the website. I would like to compile a library of song performances, so that every participant can feel the support of all of the other singers.

About The Song, “Live More Lightly”

The more I research the current climate crisis, the more concerned I become. All too predictably, the climate summit in Bali did not embrace any new ideas. Those who are in power feel more threatened by change than by the possibility that the earth may be uninhabitable.

My son pointed out to me that nothing that I am saying is new, Al Gore has received huge publicity and support throughout the world. Yet, three people who were planning to attend the conference in Bali were detained by the Indonesian government for speaking to a group of villagers about a planned garbage incinerator in their area. In Bali, these environmentalists would be speaking to other foreigners and to representatives of the Indonesian government, so that is permissible and safe. But raising awareness of pollution as a health and safety issue in the community, where citizens might learn some facts and become upset, is actively discouraged.

My unfortunate experience as an activist in Canada has taught me that most of these conferences and public meetings are intended to keep concerned citizens and knowledgeable experts busy, while the decision makers proceed with their original plan. It allows them to put out press releases with opening statements like, “After extensive consultation with stakeholders, we have decided that the best course of action is …”.

Now, I want to use my song to encourage people to “Live More Lightly”. The only method I have tried that has had any success is to vote with my purchasing power, minimal though it may be. It is my decision to pre-cycle by refusing to buy over-packaged merchandise, non-recyclable plastic, processed foods and other small every day items. These decisions direct my money into the green consumer category, and if similar choices can be made by many individuals — it will make a difference.

In our society, we are limited in what we can do. Realistically, I cannot imagine being able to affect a huge change in the global economy, which I firmly believe is required. I am trying to do something that I can do — create a song that can become a personal statement to encourage individuals to do “Just one thing now, to make a stand, and live more lightly upon the land”. Continue reading About The Song, “Live More Lightly”

Arranging and Sheet Music

Eric Hominick is currently working on arranging the melody I wrote so that choirs and singing groups with different requirements will be able to sing the song.

Eric has a great deal of experience as a choral accompanist on piano and as a singer. I asked him to arrange this song because I performed one of his gospel arrangements in a choir a few years ago and I was impressed with his understanding of the idiom.

You can find out more about Eric in the About Section.

Continue reading Arranging and Sheet Music