Earth Day 2008

Last weekend my daughter and I went to Jericho Beach park to celebrate Earth Day with the festival goers there. I had a great time listening to the music and meeting people who share my feeling that environmental change must happen.

I am adding some new links to my “Sources of Inspiration” page because of the dedicated people met there. Maybe some workshops will happen because of this event. Next year, my book will be out and I hope to be able to host workshops at all these community events.

Right now I am trying to obtain lists of “The Top Ten Most Important Environmental Actions” that an individual can do. I want these to come from environmental organizations because I am not really an expert — I just try to do the best I can. Maybe I will find out some things that I can add to the actions I already do.
I am hoping to include these lists in my book, website or on the disk to help people think of practical pledges. I have my personal favourites, and I have used some in the example arrangement of the Live More Lightly Song, but I think it would be best if there were several sources of inspiration for the lists.

I saw a Free Geek table set up there and got additional contact information. I have to admit I was a bit cross because during all this Ubuntu work I have been trying to contact them and here they are at Earth Day. The volunteer explained that they had moved and changed their phone set-up so my calls for help may have been lost.  I apologized for my testiness, but I had been trying to phone them on and off for months. I did not think it was a good idea to set up an exhibit and give out cards with phone numbers, then not answer any calls. I am still hoping to get some help with Ubuntu as the volunteer was very nice, even though I was a bit upset at first.

There are so many things to organize, but I hope to find more help soon and I am grateful to everyone who has contributed so far.

A Personal Journey

This project is a personal journey for me that ties together all of the various skills I have developed during my life. My work emerges from the nexus of art and technology, yet I am firmly rooted in the traditions of gospel and blues music. A true Canadian, I am forging an identity of the polyglot of puzzle pieces that were in the box I was handed.

My environmental works go back to when I was in grade 8, living in Toronto, the first COPE environmental action chapter started. I volunteered and was given a survey to take door to door. My grandmother listened to a popular call-in radio show and at lunch time one day, I called in and told them about the survey and the importance of the environmental threat. That was my first radio interview and I was very nervous about calling, but the experience of knocking on doors and talking to people had convinced me this was an important message. Almost forty years later, I am still trying to make a difference, as I still believe that the problems created by humanity’s impact on planetary resources is the biggest challenge we face.

I became a musician and a songwriter who still wanted to make a difference. The Live More Lightly Song was written in 1997 and it contains the audience interactivity that I like to include in my songs. After studying African traditions and my own gospel roots, the technique of how to encourage community involvement through musical contribution became clearer and I wrote this song in that mode. In my opinion, people are more responsive to ideas if you ask them what they would choose to do — not tell them what they have to do. I want to sing with people not at them!

However, I was involved in raising my children and the long term project of getting my BA, Major in Music degree from UBC. The song, and all of my other projects took third place behind family and school work. I graduated from UBC in 2006 and my children are all growing up. I started to think – “What is the most valuable thing I can do?” The most important threat faced by my children, and humanity in general is environmental degradation. How can I take positive action?

The Live More Lightly Song remained in my memory and I started to plan this project. I am facing my fears as I “do just one thing to make a stand”. The public reaction to my songs has been very positive and I reassure my self that this song was given to me for a reason. I hope that I am able to fulfill the purpose of encouraging people to live more lightly.

I want to thank all of the people who I have met and who I have listed in my Sources of Inspiration Page because it is seeing your dedication to fulfilling your dreams that keeps me going.

The Power of Women

Part of the purpose of the Live More Lightly Project is to encourage people who are already acting to save the planet. During many of my face-to-face conversations with people they ask me questions in a way that is actively discouraging. I plan to start a FAQ section to respond in bulk, but the point I want to make here is to note the general response. The general reaction to taking the initiative to try to do something about the condition of our planet is that is a waste of time and it will not make any difference.

I believe that one person can make a difference.

Especially if that one voice is joined by other voices.

My song is designed to encourage people to make a change in the environment by pledging to do one small thing. I think it’s a start and if a person has to think about the one thing they are going to do — then they might think about doing more things. It is about making a start.

I have always thought that in this consumer culture, the only way to get companies to go greener and change their ways is to refuse to buy wasteful and polluting products. I have noticed that even large supermarket chains are carrying organic food now because they have been steadily loosing customers to organic grocery stores. One woman who agrees with this idea is Diane MacEachern who believes in using women’s spending power to change the world. Her sites Big Green Purse and The World Women Want tell us that “The power is in your purse”. Diane has written books and toured the US to bring her message to the women who are searching for ways to make greener choices.

The Ditty Bops, who are also women musicians, did their tour by bicycle! This is a link to their blog about the tour. A friend of mine told me about them after I talked about being inspired by a person I met this summer who was riding his bike from the prairies to the west coast and back.

There are many women’s stories and I have found a lot of inspiration on the internet. Even CNN has started a list of tips on how to live a greener lifestyle, so someone is making a difference!

Song for International Women’s Day

This is a video of a song written by Victoria Gibson in honour of International Women’s Day. Performed by Victoria and the Seaquam Secondary School Choir for the Society of Women in Science and Technology Conference in 2000 held at the school.

I have performed this song almost every year since I wrote it in 1994. The song was written to include the audience in affirming and celebrating International Women’s Day by giving them the line “Way-way-oh-way-oh” to sing or chant. I chose these syllables because my teenagers were arguing and one was insisting “Way”, while the other stated definitely “No way”. This sparked the idea in my mind that “way” could be a synonym for agreement and also indicate a positive direction, path or way.

This is a Quicktime link
Link to Women’s Day Song

Link to Womens Day Song Information and Lyrics


Victoria will be performing the Womens Day Song

live in Bellingham on March 8th, 2008

[WA] Whatcom County Intl. Women's Day Celebration -
The Bellingham
Intl. Women's Day Celebration in Bellingham
 with Farmworkers
Whatcom County Women's International Day Celebration****

TIME: 4:00 PM

LOCATIONS: Bellingham, Washington

Maritime heritage Park (500 Block of West Holly Street), the rally will kick

off with a performance by the Raging Grannies and a short talk by Andreia

Borges Ferreira of the Brazil Landless Workers Movement. At 4:30pm we will

be marching downtown Bellingham and ending up at the DreamSpace

(1318 Bay Street) for an evening celebration of dancing, divas, and


Focus: Rural Women confronting globalization fight for food sovereignty!

Check out Womens Day events near you on this site:

Womens Day Site
