Live More Lightly Support

I have created a new page to record all support and funding that the Live More Lightly Project receives. I also want people who may be reading these pages to know that I am working hard to make this project a reality.

I have applied to several arts funding programs and have recently received notification of a few more that I can try. So far I have not been successful in obtaining funding, but it has been really encouraging to be considered for project support by the Second Inclusiva-net Meeting: Digital Networks and Physical Space. The project development would have occurred in Madrid, Spain, which was a bit daunting as I do not speak Spanish. I planned to collaborate with European artists using internet translation similar to the service provided when the flags on the top left of my blog are selected.

The Live More Lightly Project has already opened horizons for me as I investigate the work of other artists internationally. I am still hopeful that I will obtain support to produce the project the way I envision. Even if I have to scale back due to self-funding constraints, I will still do my best to realize the spirit of the project.

The idea is to change lifestyles in the developed world one action at a time. We are each capable of doing some small effort that can add up to a big difference.

I am using the ancient methods of the musical troubadour combined with all of the most powerful modern technologies of the internet to deliver the message “We can live more lightly upon the land”. I believe this is an important message and I hope that some of these funding and sponsorship coordinators will think so too.