Earth Day is coming up

Earth Day is an international celebration of the environmental movement. I am currently seeking a venue to do my Live More Lightly Workshop and will post the info here when it is finalized.

Last year I went with my daughter, Lung and another friend of theirs to the celebration at Jericho Beach. It is the largest one in Vancouver, put on by Evergreen a group that I know because of their wonderful work in renovating school grounds to have more plants and trees. This will be their 9th Annual event in Jericho Park where they plan to plant trees and other plants and host a celebration from 11am – 4pm on Saturday, April 18, 2009.

One thought on “Earth Day is coming up”

  1. i pedalled down to the event hoping to help plant some of those trees.

    (I ride past and through this area most weeks cycling up to UBC and back.)

    but I was too late! apparently a troop of boy scouts got them all in the ground within an hour.

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