Streaming A Life – Artistic Influences

There is a lot of material on the internet about streaming, but most of it is based on commercial use to make money. My intent is to create Art by sharing my experience in real time with audio and video media.

The earliest instance I have found of someone who adapted capture devices to be wearable is Steve Mann, who is described as “the world’s first cyborg” in a article by Peter Nowak, CBC News. His application was not directly commercial, although it related to his academic career as a researcher and professor.

Steve Mann is a professor at the University of Toronto and is still involved in streaming media, although not as real-time 24/7 as he once was.

From 1994-1996, Steve Mann, the grandfather of wearable computers, wore a wireless camera and receiver for almost every waking minute of his life (he took them off only swim, shower, and sleep). Both the camera and display were connected to the Internet so visitors to Steve’s www site could see what he was gazing upon, and if a visitor sent him an email, it would pop up in the display before his eyes. (quote from Kirk Woolf)

Steve Mann wearing his Eyetap device

Continue reading Streaming A Life – Artistic Influences

Tech Update

A brief tech update:

I think my podcast plug-in is working and I hope to have my video plug-in working this coming week. Look for a podcast soon!

The video plug-in will enable me to upload video to the site or to play embedded video from YouTube and other user video sites.

I am following up an idea I saw about a service that sends streaming video directly to cell phones. It would be the ultimate in wireless to wireless if I was able to deliver streaming media from a moving motorcycle to a cell phone.

Many people have never experienced the intimate, one-with-the -environment feeling of motorcycle travel. I hope that through this project, I can open their eyes to the real-time beauty of the country that is Canada and by joining others in viewing content from this tour, they can feel a connection with each other and the country we live in.

Art using the Internet

In 1989 I joined the internet community to work with the Hiroshima/Nagasaki Peace Project. My first project was to travel to the Stein Valley Festival with my friend Lynn Rutherford and her Japanese friend. They had arranged to have a table at the festival to provide a place for the Japanese lady to give out origami cranes that she folded as she sat, and to talk about peace. I saw an opportunity to organize a computer project. My self-imposed task was to gather messages written by festival goers that would be sent to a site in Japan. Messages were either dictated to me to type or typed directly into my IBM laptop computer. Few people had even heard of the internet, but I explained that the messages could be read by people around the world with connected computers, particularly those people participating in this peace project. After I returned home I uploaded the messages to a peacenet (usenet style posting forum) and received many encouraging comments from Japanese readers and others from around the world who read my Stein Valley Peace Messages post. This was my first experiment with social networking, international internet communications and using the internet as an artistic media. Continue reading Art using the Internet

Carbon Offsets

In researching the idea of carbon offsets I have found an interesting calculator that allows the purchase of offsets on the spot. The Escape Adventures website gives a lot of information and a link to the calculator. I calculated the distance across Canada as being roughly 4500 km. at approximately 80 miles per gallon. I will have to be more precise as I am unsure of changing between litres/ gallons and miles/Km. but I thought I’d get a rough idea.

The calculator at Sustainable Travel International read:

Your total emissions are: 0.498 tons of CO2

The total cost to offset this amount of CO2 will be: US$7.59

This dosen’t seem like a lot, so if I can’t find any other way of doing it I will calculate my carbon emissions properly and pay up!

Hosting a Blog

This is the first blog I have hosted myself and there were a few challenges. At first I did not realize that a person who wanted to reply had to click on the “No Comment” button to open the comment dialog!

I still have not been able to add more plug-ins to the content management system I am using. I have plans to start practicing streaming audio and video from my home computer within the month and I want to offer podcasts too.

Plug-ins will let me do this and resize photos in the program instead of using an external editor (like photoshop). There’s a few things I still have to work out, but over all, I am really happy with the way this blog software is functioning. I am using a custom theme, but I haven’t figured out all the features yet.

I will be working through a lot of technical problems in the next few weeks and to make it even trickier — I am planning to install Ubuntu Linux on my new, faster Pentium 4 internet computer. This means I have to learn to use all of these tools in a new OS!

I am trying to link to more sites and here is one to my Technorati Profile

Right now, I plan to purchase a Macbook Pro with OSX Leopard for the Tour08, but I may go Linux. I will see how well I do installing and working with the Ubuntu OS. If anyone has any helpful comments, please feel free to post!

Backstage at the Rolling Stones Concert

The idea behind organizing an environmentally friendly tour across Canada for me to lead workshops and play music started after I worked as local crew in Vancouver for the Rolling Stones in November of 2006. They used huge amounts of gear transported in semi-trailer trucks, gigantic production and massive energy use. I want to be a successful musician, but I did not want to do that.

So what should I do?
Massive staging and transportation of Stones show
Rolling Stones Concert 2006 Vancouver These are photos of the tear down process from the November 2006 concert in BC Place Stadium. Front of Stage Area Stones Tear-down 2006

Massive equipment to move and transport the Rolling Stones gear.

My performing experience has usually been in intimate settings and in many cases, has involved a certain amount of audience participation. I decided that the most environmentally friendly thing I could do is to continue to work locally and think globally. I would continue to try to reach people in comfortable, low energy use settings, but I would webcast to large amounts of people on the internet. Some of my co-performers can be even more environmentally friendly by staying at home! Some will be interacting with me in performance over the internet and some of them will meet me when I arrive at their home city or town and we will play together in a local performance.

Continue reading Backstage at the Rolling Stones Concert

Arranging and Sheet Music

Eric Hominick is currently working on arranging the melody I wrote so that choirs and singing groups with different requirements will be able to sing the song.

Eric has a great deal of experience as a choral accompanist on piano and as a singer. I asked him to arrange this song because I performed one of his gospel arrangements in a choir a few years ago and I was impressed with his understanding of the idiom.

You can find out more about Eric in the About Section.

Continue reading Arranging and Sheet Music