Welcome to Tech Help
So many of my daily hours are spent researching and working through technical problems using a variety of applications and hardware on the computer that I wanted to start writing about my experiences.
Sometimes I need Tech Help, but often my efforts at working out a problem can help someone else. Much of my paid employment has been in a technical support position in audio, video, still images, graphic design and integrated combinations of these media.
Although I am trained as an artist, my practice in Integrated Media has led me to strongly support Open Source software and to seek out tools that I can afford to use to create art. In addition to Ubuntu Linux, I also use Apple Macintosh and build computers that run Windows software.
I have been active on the internet since 1989, so my design work has developed with the internet and currently I am using WordPress. Content management has allowed me to do much more than ever before, but it is a progression that has built on skills I learned building sites in html.
Part of the reason I am building this site is to acknowledge and thank all of the programmers who have made the tools I use each day.
Enjoy the site and I hope you find or give some useful Tech Help.
Victoria Gibson
I had problem with my DZ-BD7H camcorder no image appears on the viewfinder. what is the problem with my blu ray cam?
I would suspect it is in the wiring connection between the camera and the flip out screen. You can still use the camera by keeping the flip out closed and seeing everything through the view finder. The view finder shuts off when the camera screen is open. It is probably not worth fixing unless you know someone who will give you a deal. With video cameras so inexpensive these days, they unfortunately make them disposable.